Thursday, July 8, 2010


What are the symptoms of Feline Bordetellosis?
Cats rarely cough. When they do, it’s time to see a veterinarian. A coughing cat could have caught a respiratory infection called feline bordetellosis.
This dangerous but treatable illness is caused by a bacterium, and can be transmitted through shared use of water and food bowls. Bordetellosis is also called kennel cough because it can quickly spread among cats in confined areas. Sick cats show cold symptoms with runny noses, watery eyes, a reduced appetite, and fatigue. In severe cases, a cat may even develop pneumonia. Antibiotics are the best way to control the illness, and given time, they’ll help restore an ailing kitty to good health.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


What is Chlamydiosis?

Chlamydiosis is a bacterial infection that affects cats, causing the inside of the eyelid and the white part of the eye to become inflamed. Though it’s often relatively mild at first, affecting only one eye, this disease can progress to both eyes, leading to heavy discharge and such painful swelling that affected cats keep their eyes half closed.
The bacterium that causes chlamydiosis spreads mainly through direct cat-to-cat contact. Consequently, the cats most susceptible are kittens and older cats that live in close proximity to lots of other felines. Antibiotics are very effective against this infection, and a vaccine may also be useful to minimize its effects. But left untreated, chlamydiosis can become a chronic problem.